пятница, 30 мая 2014 г.

'Theatre' by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 19-21

Task I

an understudy – дублер
perfidy – измена
wanton temperament – своенравный темперамент
to cut the date – отменить встречу
an American conjurer –американский иллюзионист
to make a stab at acting in America –попытаться сделать актерскую карьеру в Америке
off the nail – быть навеселе
the R.A.D.A. – Королевская академия драмы
in point of fact – в действительности
insipid- безвкусный
hard as nails – в форме
for toffee – ни за что
be a sport – будь человеком
to beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около
to feel all in – чувствовать себя в порядке
to give the air – не принять во внимание to put one's foot down – занять твердую позицию

Task IV

1. Under what circumstances did Roger get acquainted with? What kind of favour did he ask of Julie?
Tom got acquainted with Joan Denver while picking Jill and Joan after the showand then he asked Julia to give her a role.
2. Why did Julie feel she had lost Roger?
Although her life was full of different events and her career was still in the top, she began to feel that she had lost Tom because of his attitude and her own feelings. Sudeenly she realized that he didn’t need her at all as previously.
3. How did Tom react to Julie's plans to take her play to New York?
He supported her idea to develop her career and put ut on the next step in America.
4. What kind of new acquaintances and connections did Tom make through Julie?
It was his first experience when he got acquaintance with many representatives of high society through Julia.
5. How did Julie receive Joan Denver? 
She received Joan Denver the moment she had taken her last call.
6. How did Michael hear about Avice Crichton?
Tom told Michael.
7. Why does Maugham describe Julie's appearance at the Sunday night show as "beautifully timed?"
To prove how well known she was.
8. What impression did Avice Crichton and her acting produce on Julie?
She made not good impressions at all, she didn’t’t know even how to act.
9. Why did it irk Tom to have to come back with Julie after the Sunday night show?
He wanted to be at the party with Avice
10. What kind of relationship did Tom and Avice have?
He had strong feelings toward her, probably he even loved her while she obviously used him for her own purposes.

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