пятница, 30 мая 2014 г.

'Theatre' by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 22-24

Task I

To make a clean breast of sth – сделать чистосердечно
To tear sb limb from limb – перемывать кому-то кости
 A sleeping-draught снотворное
To and fro – взад и вперед
Curtain calls – поклон
Pull oneself together – собраться
Magnanimous – щедрый
To cramp one's style – мешать
Contrition – раскаяние
A succinct account of sth – краткое содержание
A bereavement- лишение
An austere and snug little town – аскетичный и уютный маленький город
To adhere to sth – придерживаться чего-то

Task VII

1. Why couldn't Julie take her troubles to Charles or Dolly as usual?
She thought it was simply unfair to Charles and it would hurt his feelings once again. As fir Dolly, Julia knew that she felt jealousy and didn’t want to tell her about her troubles because the relationships were getting colder.
2. How different was Charles's circle from that of Tom's?
Charles was the representative of high society.
3. Was Michael right when criticizing Julie's acting?
I think he was right because in that situatuin Julia’s emotions overwhelmed her and she lost control.
4. How did Julie react to her husband's criticism?
At first it was shocked by his criticize but that she realized that he was right.
5. How did the breakup with Tom influence Julie's attitude to Michael and Charles?
Julia decided ti give a chance to Charles. At the same time she played more attention to her husband and realized that for the last several years she behaved in such a way he didn’t deserved. She felt guilty in some way.
6. Why did Julie decide to spend the summer with her mother and aunt?
She wanted to relazx and make up her mind.
7. What kind of lifestyle did Aunt Carrie and Mrs Lambert have?
For Julia such life was quiet boring because every day was the same to another.
8. How did the old ladies treat Julie? How did they feel about her occupation?
They treated her well and with respect but they didn’t’ approve of her profession and life style on the whole.
9. How did Julie imagine Charles's love for her?
It was just another role for her, a little adventure which she didn’t take seriously.it was simply interesting for her to see Char;es’ reaction.
10. When in Paris, what did Julie mean when saying, 'I feel like a queen returning from an exile?'
She was happy to come back to her life style.

'Theatre' by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 19-21

Task I

an understudy – дублер
perfidy – измена
wanton temperament – своенравный темперамент
to cut the date – отменить встречу
an American conjurer –американский иллюзионист
to make a stab at acting in America –попытаться сделать актерскую карьеру в Америке
off the nail – быть навеселе
the R.A.D.A. – Королевская академия драмы
in point of fact – в действительности
insipid- безвкусный
hard as nails – в форме
for toffee – ни за что
be a sport – будь человеком
to beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около
to feel all in – чувствовать себя в порядке
to give the air – не принять во внимание to put one's foot down – занять твердую позицию

Task IV

1. Under what circumstances did Roger get acquainted with? What kind of favour did he ask of Julie?
Tom got acquainted with Joan Denver while picking Jill and Joan after the showand then he asked Julia to give her a role.
2. Why did Julie feel she had lost Roger?
Although her life was full of different events and her career was still in the top, she began to feel that she had lost Tom because of his attitude and her own feelings. Sudeenly she realized that he didn’t need her at all as previously.
3. How did Tom react to Julie's plans to take her play to New York?
He supported her idea to develop her career and put ut on the next step in America.
4. What kind of new acquaintances and connections did Tom make through Julie?
It was his first experience when he got acquaintance with many representatives of high society through Julia.
5. How did Julie receive Joan Denver? 
She received Joan Denver the moment she had taken her last call.
6. How did Michael hear about Avice Crichton?
Tom told Michael.
7. Why does Maugham describe Julie's appearance at the Sunday night show as "beautifully timed?"
To prove how well known she was.
8. What impression did Avice Crichton and her acting produce on Julie?
She made not good impressions at all, she didn’t’t know even how to act.
9. Why did it irk Tom to have to come back with Julie after the Sunday night show?
He wanted to be at the party with Avice
10. What kind of relationship did Tom and Avice have?
He had strong feelings toward her, probably he even loved her while she obviously used him for her own purposes.

'Theatre' by W. S. Maugham. Chapters 15-18

Task I
condescending letter – снисходительное письмо
pearl studs – жемчужные запонки
peevish – возбужденный
make head or tail of it – ничего не понимать
fatuous irony – глупая ирония
to get back on sb – отделаться от кого-то
song and dance – сцена, скандал
to spend a lot on green fees – тратиться на аренду поля для гольфа
despicable – презренный
to give sb a treat – доставить кому либо удовольствие
to wheedle sb into –впутывать кого-то во что-то
prudishness – высокомерие
to take liberties with sb – вести себя развязно с кем-то
to grudge sb – завидовать
conspicuous – очевидный
to take the rough with the smooth – стойко переносить превратности судьбы
to have a joke up your sleeve – держать шутку наготове
to mortify sb – усмирять
disconcerted –смущенный

Task II

It won't hurt him to discover that I'm not all milk and honey. – This statement refers to Julia while she is thinking about Tom and revenge on him. She wants to prove that she is not weak willed.
I'm not the woman to desert a sinking ship. – This metaphor is used by Dolly, while talking to Michael about his wife, Julia, and how her love affairs with Tom could effect her career in the negative way.

Task III

Dolly de Vries was a widow. She was a short stout woman with a fine Jewish nose and fine Jewish eyes, a great deal of energy, a manner at once effusive and timid, and a somewhat virile air. She had a passion for the stage. When Julia and Michael had decided to try their luck in London Jimmie Langton, to whose rescue she had sometimes come when it looked as though he would be forced to close his repertory theatre, had written to her asking her to do what she could for them. She had seen Julia act in Middlepool. She gave parties so that the young actors might get to know managers, and asked them to stay at her grand house near Guildford, where they enjoyed a luxury they had never dreamt of. She did not much like Michael. Julia accepted the flowers with which Dolly de Vries filled her flat and her dressing-room, she was properly delighted with the presents she gave her, bags, vanity cases, brooches; but Dolly’s generosity was due to anything but admiration for her talent. When Michael went away to the war Dolly pressed her to come and live in her house in Montagu Square, but Julia, with protestations of extravagant gratitude, refused in such a way that Dolly, with a sigh and a tear, could only admire her the more. When Roger was born Julia asked her to be his godmother. She had a big fortune, more than that she knew a lot of famous people.

Task IV

Julia was very talented and she played so many roles and has become famous thanks for her will and hard work but not appearance as usual. It was a strange, immaterial personality that seemed to descend upon her and it did things through her that she did not know she was capable of doing.

Task V

1. Why did Julia offer Tom the money for servants' tips? Do you think she made the right decision?
Tom didn’t pay her any attention while they were in Taplow, so it was her revenge on him. She understood well enough that it was very painful for Tom such remaidance about money, attitude to him as a servant.
2. Did Julia manage to induce Tom to see her again after that?
Yes, Julia managed to induce Tom to see her again after that
3. Did Dolly believe that Julia didn't have a lover? Why?
No, Dolly didn’t believe that Julia didn’t have a lover because of the gossips.
4. Whom did Dolly finally decide to talk to about Julia's cheating?
She chose Michael. She had never liked Michael, but after all he was Julia's husband and it was her duty to tell him at least enough to make him put a stop to whatever was going on.
5. Why did Dolly not confess to Michael that she suspected Julia of having a love affair?
Dolly had no proof; she only had an intuition that she could not mistrust; she wanted to say yes, but she controlled it. The woman couldn’t give Julia away. Her husband might go and tell her and Julia would never speak to her again. He might have Julia watched and catch her out. No one could tell what might happen if she told the truth.
6. Why did Michael suggest buying Dolly's share out?
He thought the woman could suffer from Julia’s broken reputation.
7. What was the reason for Dolly's desperate jealousy?
She felt, lonely and unhappy.
8. How did Dolly try to convince Julia that Tom was not very discreet?
She said "You know how malicious people are. You've always led such a quiet, regular life. You've gone out so little, and then only with Michael or Charles Tamerley. He's different; of course everyone knows he's adored you for ages. It seems so funny that all of a sudden you should run around all over the place with a clerk in the firm that does your accounts." She tryied to explain that poor young tom couldn’t attract her attention as he didn’t have anything that’s why people spread a rumours.
9. Why couldn't Julia fall asleep after the lunch with Dolly?
Julia fell asleep, because so many gossipis about her and Tom and their possible love affairs.

Task VI

 When Tom gave back Julia money and her gifts, she thought that she could lose him. They talked on the phone and later he came to her. He couldn’t look at her suffering and continued the relationships with her. That was a new turn in their relationships. They began to go out and didn’t care about anything. Dolly de Vries heard rumors about them and tried to stop it, speaking about it with Michael. He didn’t believe her, but let Julia know about rumors. Julia invited Dolly for a talk. She tried to convince her that she loved Tom as her son’s good friend. But Dolly didn't believe her.