среда, 27 ноября 2013 г.

Review 2. Dangerous Minds

The topic under consideration is based on the film 'Dangerous Minds'. It is a 1995 American drama film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer. The director of the film is John N. Smith. It is based on the autobiography My Posse Don't Do Homework by former U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson.

Let me pass on to the plot of the film. An ex-marine, Louanne Johnson, came to a Palo Alto high school in order to find a job as a teacher. At first her students didn’t take her seriously, but she managed to attract their attention by karate and philosophical poems. Louanne rewards the students in different ways,using candy bars,a trip to a theme park or restaurant. During the work,she faced a lot of problems and difficulties with students and their parent and at the end of the school year she decided to go away. But students didn't want it. She stayed, because the students named her "bright".

As for actors, I should note that they were at their best.I can't but mention the leading actor, Michelle Pfeiffer. She is wonderful! I can't imagine any other actor, who could create the same atmosphere of the film.It's necessary to note that there is no any famous actor among children, but it didn't make the film worse.

As for directing, I should say that the film is well-done.The film touches upon the problems of the lower classes of society and the director shows it very logically.

In conclusion, I'd like to note, that this film is biological. I really like this film and I think this is worth watching for all people, as it shows to teachers how to behave in difficult situations with children. To others, this film helps to understand that if the one has a dream, they should follow it, and a dream certainly comes true. Also this film has no suspense it still keeps the viewer until the end. and this story is simply told, I would lie to watch and rewatch this film.

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Review 1. The Ron Clark Story

The topic under consideration is based on the film 'The Ron Clark Story'. It is a 2006 television drama film, starring Matthew Perry, which premiered in 2006. The director of this film is Randa Haines. The idea of the film is based on the real story of the teacher called Ron Clark. the action takes place in New York.

Let me pass on to the plot of the film.Ron Clark is a teacher in elementary school. He moves to New York and gets a job in Harlem public school, where he becomes to teach problem sixth-grade children. Through his use of special rules for his classroom, highly innovative teaching techniques and an undying devotion to his students and helping them cope with their problems, Clark is able to make a remarkable difference in the lives of his students. Even when he is almost overcome by pneumonia, Clark continues to work with his students, hoping that he can raise their test scores to an acceptable level. In the end, Mr. Clark's class gets the highest average in the state and Clark is regarded by his students as their best teacher.

As for actors, I should note that they were at their best. I can't imagine that little children could so well get into their roles. Watching the film, I can't help sympathizing with their stories and problems. And of course, I can't but mention the leading actor, Matthew Perry. He is wonderful! I can't imagine any other actor, who could create the same atmosphere of the film. Though Perry is still associated with Chandler Bing from television sitcom 'Friends', in this particular movie he proved that he is not only a comedian, he can manage with serious roles. To my mind, the most important thing in this film, which Perry was able to show, is that indeed 'No one believed in them. Except him', except Ron Clark. During the film we see, how good Perry shows it, through emotions, body language and his speech. So the cast has created the atmosphere of warmth, kindness and confidence.

 Another thing which helps to create this atmoshpere is music. It is by Mark Adler. This music penetrates the positive emotions, which the film is full of. This is very pleasant and poignant music, listening to which is a great pleasure.

In conclusion, I'd like to note, that this film is autobiographical. And this is really amazing, as Ron Clark is still alive and has opened his own school. I really like this film and I think this is worth watching for all people, as it shows to teachers how to behave in difficult situations with children. To others, this film helps to understand that if the one has a dream, they should follow it, and a dream certainly comes true.

четверг, 7 ноября 2013 г.

Discussion questions: School Education in Brtitain and the USA

1. In Britain they have 2 types of schools: private (independent) or state.

2. Children start attending school at 5 and leave it at 16. It is a compulsory education. And also children can continue their education and that's why some of them leave school at 18.

3. Preschool education: 2-3 age; Primary education: 5-11 age; Secondary education: 11-16 age; Sixth form college 16-18 age.

4. Children have to take SAT, GCSE. And if they want continue their education in universities thay have to take A-level.

5. A-level exam is an entrance exam for leavers, which they take in the end of their studies at school.

6. Yes, there is a national curriculum in Britain. It was introduced in 1988, which set programmes of study in a range of subjects for all state schools in England and Wales.

7. IT takes 11 years to complete full-time compulsory education.

8.  Primary school concentrates on the three R's: reading, writing and 'rithmetic and also developing their creative abilities.
     Secondary school concentrates on subjects, which are introduced in the national curriculum.

9. Entrance exams can be abandoned if a person don't want continue education at university and start to work, for example.

10. Admission requirements to primary and secondary school are the age of children.

11. Elite school educationprovides children with greater improvement in the examination results. And also in later life, those educated in such schools dominate the sources of state power in government, law and finance.

12. English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Physical Education should be an integral part of school curriculum. And Religious Education, Technology and Design are optional subjects.

13. The essence of private schooling in Russia is getting the profound knowledge in some sphere of education. Some of them are specialized on Humanities, others - on Science.

14. A problem pupil is a pupil, who has problems with some subjects, so they are weak students. Also a problem pupil is  a child, who is not interested in school, education, or has some problems with teachers.

15. To my mind, a good teacher is a teacher, who is attetive to every pupil in class, who is kind, sensitive, understanding, but at the same time, demanding and even-tempered.

16. The most memorable things in my school days were days of self-management at school. It was very interesting to take part in such lessons, where senior pupils teach children.
The most exciting thing was extra-curricular activities, when the whole form go to some museum, theatre or some out-door classes.
And the most painful one for me was when I got the mark, which I didn't expect to recieve.

17. When it is the morning of an exam, I feel really nerveuos, a bit scared, as it is some kind of uncertainty. I'm worried about everything, if I take my notes, pens and of course my record-book.

18. To my mind, oral exam is easier to pass, as through your speech the examiner can understand if you know the subject or not.

19. I don't prefer to be the first to answer in an oral exam.

20.  Yes, I use rough-work sheets in a written exam, as I have a tendency to redo some exercises while checking my work. I don't like to do a mess in my exam work.

21. I feel a bit uncomfortable.

22. To my mind, cribs can be only in a written form, as while preparing them a student learn some information automatically.

23. Yeas, I panicked at the exam, it was, when I took a question and understood that didn't remember some of parts of that question.

24. I don't think it is a way out to copy from other students.

25. The most difficult thing about exam is the emotional preparence to it. As even if you know everything, you can panick and won't answer any qusrions from the examiner.

26.  Advantages of private schools: profound knowledge, better examination results and bright future. Disadvantages: chargeble education, children live in boarding schools.

27. To my mind, it ia a good idea to pay attention to subjects where a students have progresses, t can help him in future.

28. To my mind the pest age to start primary school is 6, as children are still under control and it is easier to interest them.

29. If children want to continue their education in university, they should stay at school up to 18.

30. In some way, it is a good idea, as pupils have a goal to make their scool the best, and that's why they study hard.

31. Any exam is necessary , it shows the progress of a person, his knowledge. And I think teacher should continue to have tests too to confirm their professionalism, but of course such works are always disturbing the education process.

32. I think, that computers can only check some tests not written works.

суббота, 2 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Work 4

1. Two people are dicussing the pros and cons of state and public school. State schools are free, while public ones are very expensive. But the one can get better education in public school, as there are better instructors, therefore you can have a better future. But in state schools there are different types of people, and it's interesting to study with them. So to my mind, it's really important that public school lets children increase their life chance.

2. It's not a secret that nowadays it's a tendency to introduce a uniform in Russian schools. And to my mind, from the one point of view, it is right. When children have uniform they are equal, and you can’t say easily, who is from well-off family, and who is from a problem family. Also children’s attention doesn’t disturb by someone’s bright-coloured jacket or shirt. But from the other point of view, it is wrong. As everybody has a right to wear what they like. It’s kind of self-expression. And also I don’t think that someone’s clothes can prevent children’s desire to study. I’m sure if a child wants to study, he will do it despite anything.

Laboratory Work 3

1. In my opinion, children stay away from school for many reasons. One of them is family problems. If a child have some problems in family, it's naturally that his interest towards studing will be lost. Another reason of playing truant is influence of peers. When a child gets in touch with a bad company,  his peers influence on them, that's why they can't find time for attending school.

As for student's truancy, I think, that it happens, first of all, because of disinterestedness in studies, again family problems and job.

2.     1. b
        2. c
        3. a
        4. b
        5. c
        6. c
        7. b

3. To my mind, the most effective things in combating truancy are the appearing of more interesting lessons, more responsible parenting and teaching students to respect school. I think that if lessons are interesting and informative, and teachers intoduce their subjects in proper way, it will motivate children to go to school. Of course, teachers and head-masters have to explain children that school can help them to enter university they like, and to have a prosperous future. But the important reason for attending school is reaponsible parenting. As it is parents, who must control their children, motivate them not to play truant.