воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Rendering 5: Theatre

The article 'Feel the fear: Joe Wright's theatre debut' was published on the website of 'The Telegraph' on February 14, 2013. It is written by Sheryl Garratt.

The aim of the article is to acquaint the reader with Joe Wright not as a successful film-director but as a director in the theatre. He was going to direct a play 'Trelawny of the Wells' written by Arthur Wing Pinero. The article gives the reader a chance to get to know the reason of such decision.

Sheryl Garratt tells about Wright's carrer as a film-director. The author enumerates his well-know works such as 'Pride & Prejudice', 'Atonement' and 'Anna Karenina'. In all these films Keira Knightley has a starring role.

Further Garratt repotes about Wright's private live. As it turns out, he was born to direct. His parents founded the puppet theatre in Islington, north London. Joe with his sister helped them by building puppets ans sets. Also Mr. Wright tells how he met his wife and shares his feelings as a father. He remembers his own relationship with his father.

'Despite Wright's success, he still has a nagging feeling that he will get caught out' repotes Sheryl Garratt. So to prove his genius, Joe Wright decided to enter the world of theatre. Further the author anumerates his new projects.

The article ends with Wright's words: 'It’s important to keep the fear. Fear does get me up most mornings. It’s a great motivator.' He's frightened of what his doing, of his new projects in theatre. But it only makes him to move forward not to give up.

As the author didn't express his own opinion towards Wright's work, it gives me a chance to share with my own ideas. Fortunately, I saw some his films and I liked them. He's really talanted in directing films. So I'm sure, while he's exploring the world of stage and plays, he will find himself there and will be a successful director. I wish I could watch one his plays.

1 комментарий:

  1. Well done!
    ..The author enumerates his well-KNOWN works...
    ... a chance to share my own ideas with YOU.. to share smth. with smb.
    ...I wish I could watch one OF his plays.
